For our big bags emptying machines we have studied various solutions for locking the outlet of big bags, according to the various needs of industrial processes.
Emptying a big bag of bulk materials is a task that presents several problems to be taken into account when selecting the appropriate equipment.
First of all, it happens often have to operate in relatively narrow space for a station which in general is quite high and requires adequate space to manoeuvre the big bag on the ground. A big bag can be loaded on the emptying machine using a forklift or hooking it to a suitable hoist.
Another important factor is the characteristics of the product to be discharged, in particular its capacity to flow from which to determine the ease of emptying of the big bag. Hence the possibility of having simple machines on which the big bag comes spontaneously empty or the need to shake the big bag during the emptying operations.
A parameter of a certain complexity is given by the type of the big bag itself, since the geometries of the big bags and FIBC and IBC on the market today are very various, both in terms of overall dimensions and of the mouths for loading and unloading as well as the hooks and feet. In addition, big bags are produced in a simple single layer or coated with internal liners. These aspects greatly influence the size of the emptying station, the choice of how to block the outlets of big bags during unloading and in general the functionality and versatility of the machine.
Not least is the study of the specific application, such as the destination of the downloaded material and how it is taken away after the emptying the big bag, as well as the operation in Atex areas or where it is required a particular cleaning the environment.
For all these problems, Rosada ILS studies targeted solutions that lead to propose the big bag emptying station most suitable and dependable. If in some plant contexts standard machines result adoptable, available on the market of mass production, much more frequently we offer dedicated ergonomic systems. We rely on a modular philosophy that divides the emptying process into conceptual models, which are then adjusted and combined in a station of emptying bags in a single frame and easy to install and maintain.
Accessories of big bags emptying. Clod breakers light duty and big bag mouth locking systems.
Our models of M-SBB big bags emptying station have mechanical locking systems. They range from the simple solution with manual clamps or with elastic closures to systems with leak tight handles inside a closed box, provided with a dust collection system. The fast locking mechanisms are offered either in full manual mode or in servo-pneumatically one. The semi-automatic solutions are accompanied by the whole control and emergency devices necessary to ensure operator safety.
A machine often essential is the de-lumper light duty to download packing products or that have agglomerated masses, which, however, even if downloadable are not compatible with the downstream process, such as a pneumatic conveying to feed mixers, reactors, packaging systems etc..
Among the most used light lump breakers, we propose a system of counter-rotating helical tapes on double shaft, contained in a bottom grid to control the size of the downloaded product. A machine very suitable in the food industry and in the chemical industry, but in any case of general use if manufactured using suitable materials.
Finally, we offer our innovative vacuum clamping system. This is a very simple mechanism that allows reduced manual operations by the operator and the ability to lock and unlock the mouth the big bag when the box is closed, allowing the dust collection without operator exposure to fine powders. This for the benefit of a cleaner work environment, of operator's health, safety and comfort of use.